Date | War Diary | Notes |
1 | 07.00 hours. Regiment in position on the high ground south of the River Souleuvre. "B" Squadron patrols towards Beny Bocage. 3rd RTR passed through. 14.00 hours. Moved to Beny Bocage. Harbour there. 1 x Other Rank killed, 4 wounded. 6 x Shermans received, 2 x Shermans and 1 x Stuart struck off. |
23H Story Page 88. Bishop Page 68. (Geoff is still a day out - he has this day as 31 Jul). ![]() |
Date | War Diary | Notes |
2 | 05.00 hours. Advanced 23rd Hussars leading with 8th R.B. on the route Beaulieu - le Desert - Presles. 10.00 hours. 2 x A.C.s destroyed La Irhardiere. 13.00 hours. "B" Squadron made contact at Chenedolle and held up. "A" Squadron attacked by Panthers east of Le Bas Perrier. |
23H Story Page 91. Bishop Page 72. (Geoff's dates are now correct). |
20.00 hours. Regiment moves to Le Bas Perrier with 8th R.B. in support. 3 x Other Ranks killed in action, Major Watt, 2/Lieut Gunyon and 9 x Other Ranks wounded. In position Le Bas Perrier. Heavy shell fire and mortaring. |
![]() |
3 | 14.00 hours. 8th R.B. relieved by 2nd Warwicks. 4 x Other Ranks killed in action and 12 x Other Ranks wounded. | 23H Story Page 94+. Bishop Page 72. ![]() |
4 & 5 | Le Bas Perrier. 3 x Other Ranks killed in action, 5 x Other Ranks wounded, 4 x Other Ranks missing. | 23H Story Page 96+. The casualties were the result of the ambush of the fitters' convoy, called forward from Le Beny Bocage because of the number of damaged tanks on the ridge. Having passed through Presles village it was about to make the climb up to the ridge when the leading half-track (C Squadron) took a direct hit. A more detailed account of the incident is here ![]() |
6 | 03.00 hours. "A" and "B" Squadrons withdraw to harbour La Barbiere, 6938. 15:00 hours. RHQ move to La Barbiere. 16:00 hours. Enemy begin to counter-attack the Le Bas Perrier position. Beaten off by "C" Squadron and Lieut Robson and 3 x Other Ranks killed in action. Captain Phillimore, 2/Lieut Treanor, Captain Crouch and 9 x Other Ranks wounded with 2 x Other Ranks missing. |
23H Story Page 104+. Peter Michael Treanor, listed as wounded, had actually been killed. ![]() |
7 | 15.00 hours. "C" Squadron harbour at La Barbiere. Captain Taylor and 7 x Other Ranks wounded. | 23H Story Page 107 and Page 109. Bishop Page 87. Geoff ends his narrative on this day. On the very last page (Page 91), he describes how an incoming shell killed a "B" Squadron man (Corporal Alfred Philip Packman). However, this took place on 09 Aug. He was still getting his dates wrong but, in the circumstances, this was quite understandable. Geoff was awarded the M.C. for his actions in guarding the Regiment's left flank during the Perrier Ridge ordeal. "C" Squadron had been alone on the Perrier Ridge for the previous 24 hours. Dad said that many men thought that they had been abandoned to their fate. In his copy of the 23H War Diary, in the margin opposite the entries relating to this time, he had written "HELL" and "THE WORST". |
8-10 | La Barbiere. 6 x Sherman V, 3 x Sherman Vc, 1 x 3-ton lorry, 5 x half-tracks received. 4 x Scout-cars, 1 x 3-ton lorry, 4 x half-tracks, 12 x Sherman V, 3 x Sherman Vc struck off. 1 Other Rank killed in action. | ![]() Reinforcements from 24th Lancers, recently disbanded, arrived during the stay in La Barbiere. During this time, according to Dad, the men were told that this was the "end of the German resistance". With hindsight a tad premature, but a hint perhaps that the tide had finally started to turn. |
11 | La Barbiere. 1`x Scout Car, 6 x Sherman V, 3 x Sherman Vc, 1 x 3-ton lorry, 1 x Motor cycle received. 5 x Sherman V struck off. |
Date | War Diary | Notes |
12-31 | 30 Corps operation "Kitten". | |
12 | 17.00 hours. Broke harbour and moved to Montchamp. Peacetime march. Sheet 6 F/6. 19.00 hours. Arrive harbour area, sheet 6 F/4. |
23H Story Page 111. |
13 | 17.00 hours. "B" Squadron moved to secure Point 208 (Sheet 7 F/5), 722390, with 1 Company of 8th R.B. Find one tree obstacle across road and some mines. | 23H Story Page 111. Men of the 8th R.B. arrived in the morning. "B" Squadron were paired with "F" Company. |
14 | R.HQ in harbour. "B" Squadron holding Point 208. "C" Squadron with 1 Company of 8th R.B. forward to X roads 779360. Lose 2 tanks. Joined by "A" Squadron during the evening. 3 x Other Ranks killed in action. 3 x Scout cars received. | 23H Story Page 112. "C" Squadron were paired with "H" Company. The A-G, B-F, C-H pairings were to be repeated whenever the two units fought together. ![]() |
15 | "A" Squadron push forward to area west of Canteloupe and secure. "B" Squadron move through and capture area Point 203, 808387. R.HQ at X roads 779360. 2 x Other Ranks killed in action. Lieut Bates and 3 x Other Ranks wounded. 1 x Other Rank missing. | 23H Story Page 113. The missing man, Tpr Stock, had in fact been killed and Sgt Oldham later died of his wounds, bringing the death toll to 4. ![]() |
16 | "C" Squadron moved through and recce the area Point 203, 80838?. Regiment in reserve and follow on the route to St Germain du Crioult, 8432 - Le Pertillier, 8429 - St Pierre D'Entremont, 8027 - Cerisi Belle Etoile, 8226. Harbour on road to Caligny, 7427. | 23H Story Page 113. |
17 | 08.00 hours. Form complete Regiment - Battalion Group with 8th R.B. Regiment leads on route
Caligny, 8427 -
Aubusson, 8724 -
Athis, 9127 -
Taillebois, 9626.
Some mines met. Bridge over River Roye but ford found north of site. 15.00 hours. "A" Squadron and 1 Company cross but meet strong M.G. and Mortar fire and one anti/tank gun short of Notre Dame du Rocher, 9825. Captain R.H. Hart (ex 24th Lancers) killed in action. |
23H Story Page 113.![]() |
18 | 08.30 hours. Whilst the R.E. complete a bridge, Regimental Group leads with "B" Squadron in front and reaches area Meguillaume, 0322 by 11.00 hours. Report bridge at Putanges blown. One abandoned Panther at X roads 052209. Over 20 P.W. taken. 12.00 hours. R.HQ moves to 080209. "C" Squadron Group recce area Launay for crossings at St Croix sur Orne, which believed to be intact. Company of 8th R.B. unable to take Launay owing to heavy M.G. and Mortar fire. 13.50 hours. "B" Squadron contact VS Patrol at 099200, Sheet 7 F/6. Squadrons and HQ remain in position at 19.00 hours whilst 3rd Monmouths create a bridgehead over the river at the Putanges site. |
23H Story Page 114. |
19 | Squadron of 2nd F.F. Yeomanry secure Point 208, 1221. Regiment Group leads through on route Putanges - Courtilles, 1322 - track junction 183215 -
Sentilly. Harbour south of
Sentilly. 120 P.W.s taken at
Courtilles, including 1 officer and 39 Other Ranks of 9th Company 304 PCR (2nd Panzer Division). Vanguard loses 1 tank (2 Troop of "C" Squadron) at Cui, 2122. L.O.B. of A1 Echelon destroys two S.P. guns and 1 x Ammunition lorry in area 1722 at 21.00 hours. |
23H Story Page 115. |
20 | Vanguard takes hospital of 92 x patients, 6 x doctors and 100 x Orderlies and 50 x Russian Deserters at
Cui Advanced on route
Occagnes - Point 202, 2525 -
Bailleul, 2825. 11.10 hours. Area 255214. 2 Troop of "B" Squadron and Platoon lose 1 x Sherman V and 3 x Carriers. 11.20 hours. Destroy 2 x Panthers. 1 x Abandoned Panther found area Point 202, 2524. 12.00 to 17.00 hours. R.HQ at Occagnes. 17.00 hours. Advance continues. "A" Squadron reach X roads 267514 and capture Lieut-General Kurt Badinsky, Commander of 276th Infantry Division and staff at 19.50 hours. 21.00 hours. Harbour area west of Bailleul, 2825. 2 x Other Ranks killed in action. |
23H Story Page 116.![]() |
21 | 12.15 hours. Move in reserve route
Argentan -
Exmes 4546, -
X roads 5145 - Track Junction 328419 - 7G/2, 8F/3, 8G/1. Enemy reported including one 88mm on Point 31095941. Harbour area 5740. |
23H Story Page 120. |
22 | 10.00 hours. Regiment leads through 2nd F.F.Y. on route
St Andre, 6041 -
St Gauburg, 6338 -
Laigle, 7842.
Mines encountered on the road. Bridges at St Gauburg but ford made. "A" and "B" Squadrons cross at St Hillaire, 6840. Regiment harbours in area 7541 for rest and refit. 21.00 hours. Lieut Cornwall and 1 Other Rank killed in action in individual Scout Car recce of the bridges east of Laigle. |
23H Story Page 120. |
28 | 08.00 hours. Leave RAI near
Laigle. Peacetime march to
St Colombe pres Vernon, 3375. 9F/3. 21.00 hours. Start to cross the River Seine over Vernon Bridgehead. 4474 to harbour south of Tilly, 4778. 9F/4 and 9F/2. |
23H Story Page 123+. |
29 | 08.00 hours. Move in reserve behind 3rd R.T.R. on route Tilly - Les Thilliers Vexin, 5489 - Etrepagny, 5596 - Maineville, 6104 9F/2 and 9E/6. | 23H Story Page 124. |
30 | 07.00 hours. Lead on route Maineville -
Talmontiers, 6405 -
road junction, 695095 -
St Aubinen, 9E/6 and 10E/5. 17.00 hours. Bray, 7607 - Hodenc en Bray, 7712 - Crillon, 8018 - Marseille en Beauvaissis, 8228. Stop for refill 19.00 hours. 3rd R.T.R. lead on route Crevecoeur Le Grand, 9127 - Conti, 9841 - Amiens. 10E/1. |
23H Story Page 124. |
30-31 | 07.00 hours. In position
Dury, 0752 - X roads 0653. Much transport shot up including General Eberbach's, Commander of 7th Army. Staff car containing maps of all scales marking in all detail proposed German Line from Abbeville - Amiens - Chalons-sur-Marne - Belfort. 09.00 hours. "C" Squadron plus H Company 8th R.B. advance into Amiens and seize the main bridge at 101582. Sheet 113. Regiment in position on high ground 0954. 16.00 hours. Regiment moves through Amiens and leads on the road to harbour at Cardonette, 1464. Sheet 98. Shoot up large A.A. site on route, including four 105mm heavy A.A. guns and 100 men. Capture force of 100 men and 15 light A.A. guns at Allonville, 1563. |
23H Story Page 125+. |