Date | War Diary | Notes |
1 | Whilst the Regiment/Battalion Group remained harboured at X roads, 1/100,000 Sheet P2, "C" Squadron and H Company were ordered to Saerbeck, 9297 to protect the Division flank and attempt to open up the main route. They were however met by a heavily defended Flak position on the north east outskirts of the village and after much slaughter and destruction claimed eight 88mm guns and a number of 20mm Flak, about 50 killed and over 100 PWs at the end of the day, during which they did not lose one tank. | 23H Story Page 211. Captain Gordon Douglas Heane Budgen "Stonker Bill", 13 (Honourable Artillery Coy.) Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery, had been the forward Observation Officer. The 23H Story states he was shot dead by a sniper, my Dad says he was killed by one of the German prisoners being brought in. The rest of the squadron were having a real slaughter as it seemed after surrender flags had been shown, some of the enemy opened fire and killed a well-liked Corporal of E Company. I heard the order to get the whole fire power on to the enemy. We were all shaken that day as Bill Budgeon of 13 RHA, a very brave chap, had been killed. |
2 |
During this time the 15th/19th Hussars Group had established a bridgehead across the Dortmund - Ems canal
and had pushed through a gorge across the ridge of the Teutobuger Wald. The 23rd Hussars/8th RB Group were
ordered forward at 12.00 hours, led by "B" Squadron Group. Having passed over the canal we passed slowly up
the wooded gorge north of
Brochterbeck, 0003, past T junction, 0005, east to
Tecklenburg, 0502. The leading tank of "B" Squadron
was hit by a Bazooka as it reached the centre of the town, which lay in a hollow between two ridges and
consisted of very narrow,old-fashioned streets. Whilst "B" Squadron and F Company were trying to clear this
most unpleasant place, where even the civilian population seemed to be fighting, A1 Echelon was attacked by
machine gun and rifle fire in the gorge of the Teutobuger Wald, wounding both the Echelon Commander and the
Signals Officer. Towards evening an attempt was made to work "C" Squadron Group round from the west but by
nightfall 3rd RTR
had managed to outflank the town from the east and had cut the main road to the north.
Orders were received to advance during the night. Captain J.G. Sandford, Captain I.S. Geikie and 2 x Other Ranks were wounded. 1 x Tank, a Comet was left for recovery, notified backloaded to 3rd Echelon 19th April, 1945. 1 x Truck, 15cwt 4 x 2 G.S. Bedford and 1 x Matchless solo motor cycle destroyed by enemy action. 1 x Trailer, 10cwt G.S. received from 8th Corps C.S. and V.P. |
23H Story Page 212+. |
3 | 03.00 hours. We moved off following 3rd RTR Group in torrential rain, "C" Squadron Group leading. By daylight we had reached T roads 086059. "C" Squadron Group branched due north to X roads 0809, 1/100,000 Sheet N2, where they turned east after some rapid and lively clearing of Bazooka positions on the railway line and at the X roads. The rest of the Group, led by "A" Squadron, followed through Lotte, 1208 and passed over 3rd RTR bridgehead at 179129 at 11.00 hours, turning east to T roads, 2011 and then north. At about 14.00 hours two leading tanks of "A" Squadron were hit by 88mm HE fire at T roads 2013. "B" Squadron Group were diverted over the bridge via T roads 182135 and 199143 to tackle this position from the north. After some heavy, steep going through road blocks etc, they passed through "A" Squadron and took on the lead with orders to rush the bridge over the Ems - Weser Canal in the area of Herringhausen, 3417. Starting at about 17.30 hours "B" Squadron Group led at full gallop across the high open stretch of ground north of Osnabruck via T roads 220157 and X roads 257159. at this point "C" Squadron Group in the rear were diverted to the south to X roads 2712 to open up an alternative route to the objective. This developed into a great race as darkness fell, "B" Squadron on the northern and "C" Squadron on the southern road, both of them shooting up transport and men in passing. "B" Squadron on the shorter road won, and secured intact both bridges at 349175 and 356170. The Recce Troop meanwhile were recceing the three bridges to the north. hese bridges were mined but intact abd the enemy were engaged on the far bank. They were recalled when the crossings to the south had been gained. "B" Squadron Group spent the night in the bridgehead, the remainder harbouring at Osterkappeln, 3316. | 23H Story Page 216+. |
4 | 3rd RTR
Group went through during the morning splitting on two routes at 435200, 1/100,000 Sheet N3. At about 12.00 hours we moved off slowly behind them, "A" Squadron Group splitting on to the southern route whilst the remainder, led by "C" Squadron, followed on the northern. 3rd RTR
, against continuous opposition by infantry equipped with Panzerfaust, made better progress on the northern route, and in the late afternoon 23rd Hussars Group assumed the lead ar
Rahden, 6026, "A" Squadron joining from the southern road.
"C" Squadron Group leading, as it got pitch dark, reached
Esern, 6929 at 22.00 hours, passing a newly abandoned King Tiger on the way. The Regiment harboured between
Esern and
Nordel, 6729. 1 x car, 5-cwt 4x4 certified beyond local repair. |
23H Story Page 219. |
5 | 23rd Hussar Group led off at 09.00 hours, "C" Squadron Group in front. No opposition and some abandoned AFVs on the way. As we entered Stolzenau at 11.00 hours, going at full speed, the enemy blew the bridge, ahving been warned of our approach by telephone and a premature announcement on the BBC. "C" squadron and "B" squadron went up to the river to give support to H Company 8th RB which crossed at 14.00 hours. Towards evening the enemy started the first of several air attacks, which continued during the next days, raising all kinds of antediluvian aircraft with very little opposition from the RAF. During one of these A Echelon was attacked some 10 miles to the rear and suffered casualties, 4 x Other ranks wounded and 1 x car 5-cwt 4x4 Willys destroyed by enemy action and 1 x car, a 5-seater Hudson and 1 x car, a 5-seater Mercedes/Benz (captured enemy vehicles) were abandoned owing to unserviceability and non-availability of spares. | 23H Story Page 219+ Dad confessed to me that he had taken the Mercedes for a joy-ride and drove straight into a shell crater. The Merc was a write-off, but he 'got away with it'. |
6 | "B" Squadron Group remained in the town while the remainder pulled back. One Other Rank wounded, died of wounds. Captain J.N. McBeath, RAMC and 3 x Other Ranks wounded. | 23H Story Page 222.![]() |
7 | Whilst continuing his air attacks the enemy used 20mm and 88mm airbursts from the far bank on a fair scale.
PWs taken by 8th RB on the east bank showed that two companies from the Training Battalion of 12th Hitler Youth Panzer Division was opposite, equipped with Panzerfaust, mortars and machine guns. The many companies of this Battalion were to provide all the localised opposition between the Rivers Weser and Aller. 4 x Comet tanks and 1 x Cromwell VI tank received from 270th FDS. |
23H Story Page 222. |
8 | "C" Squadron moved at 06.00 hours to pass over the bridge at Petershagen, 8420 in order to support 1 Cdo. Brigade into Leese, 9335 and to enlarge the bridgehead northwards. This was successfully acheved without loss and the large wood at Hahenburg, 9437 was cleared, revealing a large factory of V bombs. Advances were made as far as Landesbergen, 9441, the squadron harbouring in the area for the night. The remainder of 23rd Hussars Group moved acrosss the bridge at Petershagen behind 159th Infantry Brigade Group and 3rd RTR at 15.00 hours. We then made a quick run through Loccum, 9629, Rehburg and Schneeren, 0838. We then received orders to cut across the country and clear the wood and main roads to X roads 0544 where we harboured for the night. Some PWs, mostly SS were taken. | 23H Story Page 223+. |
9 |
07.00 hours. "A" Squadron Group leading, 23rd Hussars Group started to move through 3rd RTR at
Linsburg, 0645. 1/100,000 Sheet N4. Two towed 88mm guns with half-tracks were brewed up west of
Wenden, 1149, but no opposition was encountered until "A" Squadron Group came off the hill into
Steimbke, 1252 where a company of 12th SS Training Battalion had got itself into position less than half an hour before our arrival. This Group then set about converting this large village into what has been acknowledged to be a "masterpiece of liberation". Whilst "A" Squadron were completing this all-day task, R.HQ aiding and abetting, "B" Squadron Group were sent across country to
Wendenborst, 1551 to seize the crossing over the River Leine at
Bothmer, 2657. at the same time "C" Squadron rejoined and followed behind "B" Squadron Group who were making good going through
Rodewald, 1753,
Suderbruch, 2154 and
Nord Drebber, 2455. at the latter place they had a sharp clash with Bazooka men of 2nd Marine Division who were to provide the main opposition on the River Aller. These were fresh troops and full of spirit. Finally the Recce Troop and tanks of "B" Squadron got through to
Bothmer Bridge which blew up before their eyes. 23rd Hussar Group then harboured for several days, "B" Squadron Group at
Nord Drebber, "C" Squadron Group at
R.HQ Group in leaguer at 2353 and "A" Squadron Group at
Rodewald. 1 x Other Rank wounded, 1 x 15-cwt half tracked International Truck and 1 x Comet tank destroyed by enemy action. |
23H Story Page 227+. |
10 | 29th Armoured Brigade remained in position whilst 159th Infantry Brigade Group completed bridging over the River Leine and cleared to River Aller. | 23H Story Page 229. |
13 | 23rd Hussar Group moved over the River Leine at 2345 and into area 2649 whilst the bridgehead was being formed north of Essel, 2957. At this time a German Deputation vainly attempted to negotiate for a Neutral Zone north of the river Aller to include Belsen. | 23H Story Page 229. |
14 | At 08.30 hours 23rd Hussar Group moved over the River Aller and turned west to Winsen, 4755. As 15th/19th group took all day to clear this place, 23rd Hussar Group leaguered at 3157. | 23H Story Page 229. |
15 |
At 08.00 hours. 23rd Hussar Group moved through
Winsen, turning north, "B" Squadron leading. Some Bazooka and machine gun opposition was met north of
Winsen in 4758, but this rapidly cleared and the enemy dispersed by setting fire to the wood. North of
Walle, 4862 there were notices in English declaring the
Belsen area to be typhus infected and to be a Neutral Zone. This was observed without incident and we passed the camp at great speed, little knowing what horrors it concealed.
At about 14.00 hours "A" Squadron Group which had moved via 5186, passed through "B" Squadron Group which had established itself in
Bergen, 5070 without incident. 1/100,000 Sheet M4. Some opposition was encountered both at
Dohnsen, 5472 and
Beckedorf, 5671 and many hundreds of Allied Prisoners of War were liberated. In the meantime the recce troop was sent to recce the crossings at
Bonstorf, 5576 and 545770, two sections going to the former and one to the latter. Both found the bridges intact, but after a short time they were attacked by infantry with Bazookas.
"C" Squadron Group immediately went to
Bonstorf and "B" Squadron Group to the western crossing and by nightfall the opposition, which consisted of Companies of a Hungarian SS Battalion, was demolished, another company being destroyed at
Bornboster, 5576 by "A" Squadron Group which came up from
Beckedorf. "C" Squadron Group remained to maintain the
Bonstorf bridgehead during the night and "B" Squadron Group the westerly bridge just north of
Hetendorf from which they were fired on throughout the hours of darkness. The remainder leaguered in a hollow behind the feature at 554759. During the afternoon and evening's fighting about 300 PWs were taken. 1 x Other Rank died of wounds. 2 x Other Ranks were wounded. 1 x Sherman Tank V (Bulldozer) left for recovery, notified backloaded to 3rd Echelon 19th April, 1945. |
23H Story Page 229+.![]() |
16 |
At 07.30 hours. "B" Squadron Group was ordered on to seize the crossing at
Reininger, 5682. They reached the place by 09.00 hours but found the bridge blown and the village infested by determined enemy. They fought in this place until midday and then were withdrawn with the rest of the Group. The bridge at
Reininger being blown, "C" Squadron Group were sent to recce another crossing at 582819, which they also found blown. 3rd RTR Group, having equal ill luck at Wietzendorf, 5082, 29th Armoured Brigade Group was turned round. From midday on 23rd Hussar Group followed 159th Infantry Brigade via
Muden, 6078,
T roads, 6087 and
Lintze, 6990, leaguering in the area west of
Wriedel, 7195, for the night. Captain C.V. O'Reilly and Lieut G. Woodland wounded. 1 x Cromwell VI tank received from 270 FDS. |
17 |
23rd Hussar Group was ordered forward to establish itself north of
Uelzen, which was being attacked by 15th Scottish Division, in the area of the high ground 8898, 1/100,000 Sheet M5 and to link up with 6th Airborne Division which was outflanking
Uelzen from the east. At about 10.00 hours 23rd Hussar Group passed through 159th Infantry Brigade Group at
Ebstorf, 8096, but as enemy were reported in the direction of
Barum, 8698 it was decided to approach the objective from the north via
Natendorf, 8201 and X roads 8701. Within two hundred yards of the latter, the two leading tanks of "A" Squadron were brewed up by three 88mm guns and four 20mm guns which were later abandoned. "C" Squadron Group in the meanwhile were diverted south and having cleared
Hohenbunsdorf of some enemy were approaching
Barum from the west. After two of their leading tanks were hit on the long open slope leading into the village the Squadron was withdrawn behind the ridge. It remained there ubtil the late afternoon until the whole Regiment, having encircled the place, could give it its undivided attention. During this time "B" Squadron Group was despatched by a rapid manouevre and a small track through
Seedorf, 8601 to establish themselves astride the main road at 879998. From there "B" Squadron Group sent a troop to the railway line west of
Bevensen, 9001 to attempt to link up with 6th Airborne Division, or failing this, to brew up the fleeing Germans. This was duly done and a great score was produced. "C" Squadron - H Company Group were meanwhile tying up the place for the final attack. At the same time R.HQ moved up to the area of Point 80, 8600, to support from the north. "A" Squadron sent a troop to the area 877007 to cover exits to the north east. "B" Squadron pushed a troop to the outskirts of
Tatendorf to cover exits to the south east. The attack went in at 19.00 hours and was completely successful.Total Bag - "A" Squadron Group3 x 88mm guns, 1 x 20mm gun, 1 x 75mm gun, 1 x halftrack. "B" Squadron3 x 88mm guns, 1 x 88mm gun captured, 1 x halftrack captured intact, Two large half-track lorries, 1 x towed 75mm gun, 2 x Volkswagen, 1 x Omnibus, 1 x Tractor, 30 x dead, 45 x POW. "C" Squadron2 x 88mm guns (two disputed with HQ), 3 x 20mm guns, 4 x 40mm guns, 120 x POW, approximately 30 killed. A fuller account is attached.4 x Other Ranks killed in action, 1 x Other Rank missing believed killed, Lieut Goss and 5 x Other Ranks wounded. 1 x Dodge 15-cwt truck received from 8th Corps CS and VP. 1 x Comet tank destroyed by enemy action. 3 x Comet tanks left for recovery. |
23H Story Page 235+.![]() |
18 | "A" Squadron at Reinstorf. | |
19 |
"A" Squadron/G Company clear wood in area
Neetze and patrol to
Karze. Approximately 200 PWs taken. Relieved at 16.00 hours by 15th (S) Division and move via
Luneburg to
Westergellersen, 6718, 1/100,000 Sheet M4. 3 x Comet tanks received from 270 FDS. |
23H Story Pages 239-240. |
20-29 | Westergellersen. Left flank protection to 8th Corps. Time spent in clearing up and maintenance. 8th RB left on 26th to take over from 1st Herefords at Winsen, returning on 29th to marry up for move across the Elbe. Slight activity by Luftwaffe. A/A Bren gunners brewed up one barn. | 23H Story Pages 239-240. |
25 | One BSA Solo motor cycle and two 4 x 4 5-cwt Ford cars received from 8th Corps CS and VP. | |
29 | Two Comet tanks received from 270 FDS. | |
30 |
16.30 hours. Moved via
Luneburg -
Brietlingen -
Artlenburg, 8334, 1/100,000 Sheet L5, to cross the Elbe. Progress very slow owing to traffic hold ups on the bridge. 21.30 hours. Head across bridge. 23.59 hours. Pass through 15th (S) Division area, Schwarzenbeck, 8249. |
23H Story Pages 240-241. |
At dawn on April 17th the Regiment, with the 8th Battalion Rifle Brigade, was ordered to move at all speed to block the exits from the north of Uelzen, 8989, in the area including Barum, 8698 - including high ground Eppensen, 8898 - including railway line east of Eppensen. Further, one Squadron Company Group was ordered to proceed immediately to clear the cross roads 8701 and the woods to the east of it to enable the 3rd RTR to pass through and block the exits on our east. | 23H Story Page 235+. |
The Regiment started off with order of march "A" Squadron - R.HQ - "B" Squadron - "C" Squadron, each being a Squadron/Company Group. The centre line being Natendorf - X roads 8701. The preparatory orders were that "A" Squadron should seize the cross roads and then start clearing the wood. The moment "A" Squadron were in possession of the cross roads, "B" Squadron were to swing south east and seize the high ground at Eppensen and "C" Squadron to swing south and seize Barum. | |
As the leading troop of "A" Squadron approached the cross roads they found there was no cover at all. A careful survey through glasses was made and no sign of any enemy could be seen. The two leading tanks moved off, covered by the remaining two. Halfway to the cross roads the two leading tanks were brewed up. A Stonk was arranged at once, under cover of which "B" Squadron were to swing south east behind Seedorf and continue to their objective less one troop, which was to work round north east again after crossing the mainroad, to get in behind the guns which were holding up "A" Squadron. At the same time "C" Squadron was ordered to turn south at Golste, 835018 and seize Hohenbunsdorf, 8499 and Barum, 8698. In the meantime the medium artillery had put down a heavy stonk on the south west corner of the wood at the cross roads and "B" Squadron had succeeded in capturing the high ground Tatendorf - Eppensen, 8898 where they captured 5 x 88mm guns, killed 10 and took 35 prisoners. The other troop of "B" Squadron had worked its way round to Point 77, 8800, and had spotted two of the guns on the edge of the wood and knocked them out. The Typhoons were then employed on the front edge of the wood and, under cover of them and the artillery, G Company 8th RB who always work with "A" Squadron, went in dismounted, covered by the tanks of "A" Squadron and the troop of "B" Squadron from Point 77. The attack was successful and, the cross roads seized, and G Company started to clear the wood with "A" Squadron tanks in an all-round defensive position in the area of the cross roads. | |
In the meantime "B" Squadron had been having great fun brewing up enemy transport on the east of the railway as it tried to escape northwards. | |
G Company had now succeeded in clearing the wood where they found two 88mms knocked out and three abandoned and a lot more weapons of smaller calibre, and took a few prisoners. The 3rd RTR now began to pass through. The story is now taken up by O.C. "C" Squadron. | The Officer Commanding "C" Squadron at this time was Len Hagger. |
On April 17th, 1945 the Squadron and H Company of 8th RB were in reserve to the Regiment in the area of Natendorf, where they were ordered to loop to the south via Hohenbunsdorf and seize the village of Barum. When this was done, to push on east and cut the roads running north out of Uelzen. The Squadron was moving with a vanguard in front consisting of tanks (1st Troop), a section of carriers and a platoon of riflemen in half-tracks. | |
This small vanguard was commanded by the 2nd i/c of the Squadron, The country consisted of long rolling hills and the tanks were able to deploy off the roads. | |
Slight opposition was met in Hohenbunsdorf, but it was soon cleared uo. 2nd Troop was dropped off on the high ground to the south west of the village for rear protection, as TAC R reported enemy AFV moving up from the south west. few scattered infantry were dealt with and all went well until the leading troop (ie 1st Troop) reached the first crest overlooking Barum. Here, they halted, deployed to the north of the road, and searched the village with binoculars without result. After a close survey of the village two tanks were pushed forward, one on the road and the other to the left, both covered by the remaining two. After they had travelled some 50 yards down the forward slope, the Germans opened fire with 88s and 40mms. In addition small arms and bazooka fire came from the wood immediately to the south or right of the road where the rest of the vanguard was halted. | |
The tank on the road was hit twice by an 88. Fortunately, neither shot penetrated as the first hit the side bin, and the second hit the driver's periscope and was deflected into the gun mantlet. Both tanks immediately wheeled about and put down smoke, thickened up by that of the 2nd i/c's 95mm gun, and the two other supporting tanks. The entire troop pulled back the tanks down behind the crest and remained in observation, except for an occasional sally to draw fire, and to fire themselves. The German camouflage was, however, so good that no trace of the guns could be seen. | |
The Squadron leader and Company commander came up to look at the ground but a detailed recce could not be made owing to small arms fire from the wood. It was essential to clear this before anything else could be done, so the vanguard Motor Platoon with the support of 4th Troop on the right were ordered to clear it to a depth of 150 yards south of the road and 450 yards east towards . This being done the Squadron Commander, Company Commander and F.O.O. came up to make a more detailed recce. The edge of the village could just be seen, but in between there was a further ridge some 700 yards short of Barum. | |
It was decided to get this next ridge before making any attack on Barum itself. as the left or northern flank was completely exposed, it was decided to push a troop through the wood after it had been cleared by the Motor Platoon. It was found, however, on reaching the south eastern edge of the wood, that the next ridge was dominated by a pill box on its southern edge. This was quickly demolished with 77mm A,P. shot by 2nd Troop, who had been relieved of their rear flank protection. | |
Covered by two tanks the leading two pushed on to the last ridge overlooking the village, and established themselves hull down in a small copse on the reverse slope. They were quickly followed up by the motor plstoon and sqyadron HQ. During this minor operation the F.O.O. had established himself on the first crest and had been shelling the village spasmodically, in order to keep the enemy occupied. The 4th Troop had by this time been brought up to the edge of the wood, and 2nd Troop, having located one 88mm on the north end of the village, had silenced it with 77mm HE fire. | |
The F.O.O. and Company Commander had come up and a very careful search of the village was made through binoculars. The difficulties in attacking the village were:-
As speed was essential, and as to lay on a smoke programme would have taken some time, and in view of the complete absence of suspicious movement in Barum it was decided to make a dash for the village. The plan was for 1st Troop to move flat out for the village on the right or south of the road, covered by 2nd Troop and Squadron HQ from the ridge. The 2nd Motor Platoon to move some 300 yards behind then down the road in their half-tracks, but not starting before the tanks were halfway to the village, and at the same time 4th Troop and the Platoon already on the ridge to move across and mop up the pill box area. | |
Whilst this was being tied up the F.O.O. put down a heavy concentration of 25 pounder and medium artillery on the forward or west edge of the village. As soon as this concentration lifted,the 3 tanks of 1st Troop moved forward, but after travelling for some 250 yards all the hidden enemy guns opened up from the village. The pill box position also became active and small arms fire started from the woods to our rear. Two tanks of 1st Troop were hit several times, and both began to brew up. Smoke was put down by all covering tanks, and the third tank was able to pull round and reach the safety of the crest. The leading half-track had been hit by a 40mm and was also disabled. In addition, 4th Troop on the right were unable to get up to the demolished pill box as this entailed their going over the crest and exposing their flanks to the 88s. Smoke was called for from the 25 pounders in order to give a screen under which the de-horsed crews could get back. All these did return, and it was subsequently found that the speed of the tanks saved their lives as the German gunners did not allow enough aim off, and both tanks were hit in the engine compartments. The enemy maintained a rapid rate of fire, but this was eventually subdued by the 25 pounders, by fire from 2nd Troop in the copse, and 3rd Troop who were deployed on the left of the road behind the first crest. It was now obvious that a full scale attack would have to be made on the village involving all the Squadrons and Companies, and a carefully tied-up artillery plan. | |
While "C" Squadron and H Company were tying up their plan, HQ tanks moved up to area of Point 80, 8600, to give supporting fire from the north. "A" Squadron was oredered to place a troop in the area 877007 to prevent any escape up a sunken lane to the north east, and "B" Squadron to place a troop in the western outskirts of Tatendorf to prevent any escape to the south east. These positions are marked on Map II. | |
Quite an amusing incident occurred when HQ first got into position. The Troop Leader, having a good look with his glasses, saw at the back of a cemetery on the high ground at the south eastern corner of the village what looked like a towed 88mm with men moving round it. The range was about 3,000 yards, and he brewed it up third shot. When we went up there next morning, to our horror we found it was an outsize in biers with a long plank sticking out of it, perched up on the soil of an open grave below it. | |
Our next efforts were more successful, as we spotted two of the enemy 88s at the north east corner of the village as they fired at "A" Squadron, and managed to brew both up. | |
"C" Squadron Leader now completes the story which has a happy ending. | |
Before this could be accomplished the pill box area had to be cleared up as this covered the hollow between the two ridges in which the Rifle Company were to be formed up. This area received a rapid shelling from the tanks, and 25 pounder smoke was put down across the south west corner of Barum to cover the tanks in. 4th Troop with the leading motor platoon put in a succesful attack, taking 25 prisoners, and leaving six or so dead enemy. The gun in the pill box had already been destroyed. The platoon withdrew leaving 4th Troop to hold the area. During this attack 3 guns towed by half-tracks were seen to be withdrawing from the village, and were all brewed up by the encircling squadrons. H Hour was decided on as 19.00 hours, and the fire plan was as follows. At H - 10 a heavy concentration of medium would open up on the forward or west edge of the village, and continue until H Hour. At H - 5 minutes until H + 5 minutes smoke would be put down by 25 pounders, also on the west edge of the village. At H to H + 8 minutes a Regiment of 25 pounders would fire on the forward edge of the village lifting to the middle and east part as required. The whole Company was to form up behind the small crest, and to advance, 1 platoon up at H our to within 200 yards of the village under cover of the smoke. At H + 8 minutes they were to advance and take the area of the cross roads, 865987 as their first objective. The Squadron was to thicken up the fire until H + 8 and to help with smoke should the screen begin to thin. 3rd and 4th Troops were ordered to advance at H + 6 and go through the infantry in order to be in the west edge of the village as the smoke lifted. Once in the village no difficulty was expected in mopping up. All went well - the gunners put down a first-class stonk and some very effective smoke, although this latter began to drift too soon, but the gaps were immediately filled up by the platoons and the tank troops' 2 inch mortars and the 95mms in Squadron HQ. The enemy tried to fight in the outskirts of the village but the sight of the tanks looming out of the smoke was too much, and after the 88 on the road was knocked out, the cross roads were soon taken. | |
After this the action resolved into a normal village clearing operation. | |
The loss to the Squadron/Company were two tanks brewed up and one disabled, 1 sergeant and one corporal killed in the Rifle Company, and two Riflemen wounded. | 6969573 Lance Serjeant Robert Worthy Connelly, aged 27 and 6853280 Corporal Charles James Beer, aged 31 were the two men killed. |
In all 120 POWs were taken, approximately 30 killed or wounded, and four 88mm, seven 40mm and three 20mm guns were either destroyed or captured in the village itself. |